Archive for chip-chan

Chip-chan. Paranoia or Conspiracy?

Posted in General Ramblings, Quasi-interesting with tags , , , on October 10, 2011 by Moth Ashes

I’ve always loved finding unsecured cams on the internet. They generally have no answers as to what is being filmed and why, leaving the spectator at the other end to their imagination.

I’m late to the party.

The Story of Chip-Chan.

If you’re looking for a wild story and have a little bit of time to sit and read, I strongly recommend taking a look at this. If you want a short and sweet summary, this woman in Korea has cameras up in her house (which she apparently didn’t install but keeps up anyways), and asks people to watch her while she sleeps. This woman claims that a corrupt cop named “P” installed a verichip in her body.

Interested? Here’s the link to her cams.