Archive for February, 2011


Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , on February 27, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Haven’t had much time to blog lately. I’ll post something later on this week.

Memories, Dreams, and Figments of Imagination: What’s the Difference?

Posted in General Ramblings, Philosophical bullshit on February 19, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Is a memory only a memory if somebody else was there and also recalls it? Do memories need validation to be true?

I think what I’m trying to ask here is: Does it take two people to make a memory? Kinda like that question if a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?

I have a lot of memories that I question. And often. It’s scary to think that a mind can be so unpredictable that files of memories and dreams can get mixed up.

The worst ones are from my memories as a small child. When I was about three years old living in the North. I recall being in my crib and seeing little twisters floating all around me. One of them had glasses. It scared the shit out of me. It didn’t feel like a dream. In fact, I remember that my grandma immediately ran in to check on me. But it isn’t possible, right?

Then there was a time before that. One minute I’m crawling on the floor… And I close my eyes…

And see myself from another person’s perspective. It was so confusing. I don’t even know who I was.

The point I’m really trying to drive across is… What’s the difference between a dream and a memory? People can lie about what they remember. People can see things. And people can imagine things. So what defines a memory?

Creepy/Interesting Websites 2.

Posted in General Ramblings, Quasi-interesting with tags , , , , on February 18, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Since people seem to search for creepy and interesting websites a lot and end up here, I figure it’s about time for round two.

Remember those art sites I was talking about before? Yep, here’s another one. This one is actually kept up with, though. It changes roughly every month, and is flash-intensive. William Rahilly (I believe) is the creator, and his blog with… Information… Is located here.

I swear this site could keep me entertained for hours. It just. Keeps. Going. Though whoever made it did a pretty good job of covering the fact up. Is it an art site? Is it a project? Is it just some guy sitting in his mom’s basement with nothing to do but flash? I suppose the question adds to the fun. Like this site a whole bunch? Say so on their facebook page. Is it official? Hell if I know, but I liked it anyways.

THIS. IS ZOMBO COM. WELCOME TO ZOMBO COM! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING AT ZOMBO COM! (You can also buy a Zombo.Com shirt) So what is Zombo Com? You can find an explanation here.

What is this I don’t even… No, seriously. No clue. Just a picture of a vent… Not even a clue in the source code. there’s an .ico file located there, and when converted to a .png, it’s the same 5 as the icon. And then theres:

They’re just one page sites. No real story behind them.

Now for something… Disturbing. If you don’t like grotesque/morbid things, I’d suggest you not click this link.

Yet another ‘artist’ project that’ll make most people cringe. When I first saw this, my eyes went wide and I honestly didn’t know what to say… But like most things I find on the internet that shock me, I got used to it. No need for links here. You can find your way to this guys site yourself by using the page.

Here’s something a little different.

This is actually just a story, but it struck me as fascinating. Sorta makes you double-take at those sites likeĀ  cleverbot. I’ll leave you on that note though. I’m fresh outta weird sites. Enjoy!

Questions I Ask Myself Every Day.

Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , , on February 17, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Is this whole world just a dream?

Do these people actually have a soul, or do I imagine them that way? Is everybody simply a figment of my imagination?

What’s waiting for me outside this world?

What if I go home and all of my family is dead?

What would I say at their funeral(s)?

How would I continue on with my daily life?

When I die, will anybody remember me? Or will the memory fade out like the death of a child’s hamster?

Do the people who claim to see the things we can’t really see them, or are they faking it for attention?

If I believe in something hard enough, can I trick my own mind?

Did what I just say offend this person? How badly do they think of me now? Did they ever think highly of me in the first place?

What do these people say about me when I’m not there?

Are these people pretending to be my friends out of pity or because I’m a great satirical piece of conversation?

How are some people so proactive?

Are the people sitting there talking on their phones all day just pretending to be so ignorant of their world and the potential each one of them has?

Are aliens real?

Am I as special as I wish I was?

Will there ever be a time when some stranger approaches and tells me my destiny like some awesome adventure movie like I’ve hoped since childhood? Or are my unrealistic expectations just that?

Will I ever be recognized as something special?

Does God really talk to some people like they claim? Or is that faked too?

What do important people see in me?

How did I end up surrounded by them?

Does this make me important by proxy?

These ‘coincidences’ that happen in my favor everyday, do they have a deeper meaning? Should I be looking into this?

What if I just up and left one day? Could I just break free from my schedule and start driving to nowhere? What repercussions would I face when I came back? … How amazing would my adventure be? Would it be worth it?

But the most important question in my mind is:

Do other people ask these on a daily basis too?