Archive for November, 2010

Today is a New Day.

Posted in General Ramblings on November 11, 2010 by Moth Ashes

Things are better.

Stupid traps.

Posted in General Ramblings on November 3, 2010 by Moth Ashes

Those side advertisements that you see on the sides, tops, and bottoms of websites are a test of your intelligence. As I sit here in math lab and watch this idiot fill out a form for one of those ‘winner’ scams, I wonder if I should speak up and tell him that “IT’S A TRAP” in an Admiral Acbar kind of voice. He wouldn’t learn his lesson then though, would he?

Most people these days either learn from their mistakes or don’t learn anything at all. How sad. If we could only listen to the people who made those mistakes before us, we’d know not to do them and have one less thing to be embarrassed about. I too am guilty of this, as much as I hate to admit it.

Yet, I still feel a ping of guilt. It’s not that he knows I was watching him. He’s much too oblivious to the world around him. So here I sit, the mute conscience, watching people folly for entertainment… And feeling stupid over the dumb decisions they make. Goddamn empathy.