Archive for January, 2011

Youtube video’s from hell.

Posted in General Ramblings, Quasi-interesting with tags , , , , , , , on January 28, 2011 by Moth Ashes

For anybody who took a small interest in The Ring will probably like most of this. For those skeptics who don’t even like to mull over ‘impossible’ possibilities should take this with a grain of salt. I’m not claiming any of this to be real, I simply plan on stating the lore and history of said videos. Not all of them are considered ‘paranormal’. Some of them are just creepy. We’ll start with the ones that are obvious and work our way up into the more cryptic and confusing.

This just wouldn’t have the same effect if user 666 on youtube wasn’t actually suspended. I tried to do a small search of why the user’s account was suspended 4+ years ago, but nothing (besides Yahoo! Answers, but who the hell actually uses that for research?) came up. The video was originally uploaded to Nico Nico Douga and apparently became an instant hit. Just recently, the creator submitted another similar video called Another Youtube. Personally I don’t think it’s different enough to deserve extra merit, but some of nana’s other work is pretty awesome. Check them out, should these kind of videos interest you.

I suppose the reason the British are so much more well-adjusted than we are is because they had to put up with this shit as children. This is unfortunately one of the few original videos you’ll find of this disturbing masked man on the internet, considering how old it is. There’s no real mystery behind it… Besides the question ‘How the hell did the producers think this was kosher for small children?’ Luckily a kind user by the name of ashens has taken it upon himself to make more of these videos and portray Noseybonk in the way we all see him. As a sadistic psychopath. Here’s his youtube.

Getting into more… Confusing videos, we have Shaye Saint John. Now, I really like Shaye for a couple of reasons. 1. This person never dropped character. 2. It makes you wonder if this actually was a character, or how a disturbed individual really saw the world. I’m gonna tell you straight up front, all of Shaye’s videos are like this. All of them. And it’s fantastic. There was even a movie made about Shaye and Kiki (one of her doll comrades) antics. I’m serious.

The only thing that links Shaye to our world is the name Eric Fournier. He is listed as the director of the movie, but whether he was the one behind the camera or mask remains a mystery. Unfortunately, he died a couple of years ago, leaving no hint to what Shaye Saint John really was or intended to be. Was he insane or a genius? A guy who did acid, or somebody with a twisted sense of humor? Who knows.

Here’s a fun one. Mereana Mordegard Glesgrov is it’s name, and it’s one of the smaller urban legends of the tubes. The short story to this video is that when people watched the original, they’d gouge their eyeballs out and send it to Youtube’s headquarters, which caused the company to edit the video and re-upload this one so viewers would think it was all a hoax.

Obviously, it is. If you look it up on youtube now, you’ll see a video that has the original picture. This gives me an idea for an internet urban legends post. Hm. We’ll see about that.

The first video in a line of many, Marble Hornets has developed a small following in such a short time. Most people who watch it realize it’s fake because they know the history behind Slenderman. He was created on the Something Awful forums in an attempt to come up with the creepiest creature possible. I’d like to say ‘mission successful’, because I couldn’t sleep for days after watching all the videos.

Originally it had ended at entry #28, but around the end of 2010, the videos started right back up. While I understand it’s not real, I still love following this series. If you find any interest in it, I suggest you follow Marble Hornets Twitter.

Anyways, I had actually planned on doing more, but seeing as this post alone took me 3 days to get up, I think we’ll just say this is a series and I’ll continue it at a later date (like the websites).

Creepy and Interesting Websites.

Posted in General Ramblings, Quasi-interesting with tags , , , , , , on January 23, 2011 by Moth Ashes

I… Am an internet drifter. No one place is really my home I’ve seen the mold and feces infested gutters, and I’ve seen the Taj Ma haul. But like reality, my favorite places are the less-traveled paths. That abandoned house that makes your 12 year old niece cry as you drive past or the looming forest with no trimmed and ‘safe’ pathway.

Not that you have to worry about poisonous snakes or bears on the internet. I suppose that’s why, while I may have the impulse to search that abandoned house… I settle for popping open my laptop and browsing through a jungle of flash, html, and a bunch of gibberish text.

To understand some of what I’m about to post, you have to know about these things called ‘Art Sites’. No. I’m not talking about an artist’s online gallery. The website is actually considered (to some) a work of art. And like art, they make zero fucking sense… Which is great if you’re into that kind of thing. Lets start out with a couple of those.

Yes, those extra w’s are supposed to be there. No. You’re not supposed to see anything besides a bunch of blinking green text. The great thing about these kinds of sites is that there is no directory or clues as to how many pages there are or how to get to them. You just have to keep on clicking. The 404 page is tons of fun too. Type in an invalid URL for the site and have fun with it, and if you’re interested in a little bit of useless facts about said site, here’s this: Jodi’s Wikipedia Entry.

I like this one more than because of the sheer amount of weird imagery and… As contradictory as it is to say this: organization. At least with this site there’s more actual wording than gibberish. Does most of it make sense? Of course not. It’s not art if it makes sense, right? (superbad also has it’s own wiki page. You can find the link to it on’s wiki)

Now for a couple of less-known sites.

I love playing with the little tree thing on this site. This one is honestly a lot more tame than a couple of the others. While it makes little sense, there’s actually a general theme going on here. The creepiest thing is the ‘Spirit Awake!’ button, and even that’s not too bad.

A couple sites that specialize in the creepy:

There’s nothing graphically amazing about this one, and the whole “Powered by Freewebs” at the bottom sorta takes away from the mysticism. I do, however, like the simplistic layout. It doesn’t take away from the message (… Whatever that may be.)

This site gives me the willies. The general theme sorta reminds me of The Number 23 movie with Jim Carey. I haven’t spent much time on this even though I’ve known about it for God knows how long, but it keeps popping up whenever I turn around.

And no ‘Creepy Site’ blog post would be complete without Hatshoe.

Hatshoe is one of my favorites, considering the owner is very expansive about his little investment. Hatshoe also has a Youtube and a Twitter, yet it manages to stay cryptic and mysterious.

All these sites eat up a lot of my time. Not because I’m trying to understand and/or fit the small, mixed up puzzle pieces together, but because there’s so much to them and finding a new link is like making a fantastic discovery.

These are not the only sites I have in my arsenal, so I’ll definitely post more if it’s received well. Also: Most of these sites I didn’t find on my own. Not even gonna take the credit. But I did want to share them with my friends. Enjoy!

Lil’ late on my resolutions.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on January 11, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Alright, so I saw the announcements on WordPress and there’s this post a day thing. While I don’t think I can post everyday, I think I’m gonna try to post at least once every week. Get in good habits of writing. Joy. Now you get to see more of my worthless musings.

Because this is such a short and crappy post, here’s a video:

Herp Derp. Still alive.

Posted in General Ramblings, Rants on January 11, 2011 by Moth Ashes

I’ve never been so stressed in all my life. At the beginning of my winter break, I was 100% confident that this next semester of college was going to be fantastic in every way because all the classes I chose were ones I wanted to take. Most of them won’t go towards my major, but since this is my chance in college, I’m taking every course I want so I don’t look back years later and realize how much I regret not doing it. It’s a little reckless, since I’m going to school on my own money and loans, but you only live once, right?

Speaking of loans, I turned in the form a day before fees were due and got a message from the financial aid department later that night (though I didn’t read it ’till morning) saying that I only qualified for $458 out of the $1500 I needed for tuition this semester (yeah, that doesn’t include books). I about pooped myself when I read that at work. While yes, I could’ve taken out unsubsidized loans, I’m avoiding it like the plague. I don’t need to accrue interest in college.

The good news is that I had money in my savings account specifically for paying off loans and I’m still enrolled. The bad news is that I’m poor now. So what about books? Haha, ahh… Books…

The bad news? I decided to take Psychology. In the school’s bookstore, it’s $100 dollars. My internet programming book? $87, Photography? $40. English II? I think that was around $80 too.

Luckily, one of my friends told me about this site called That Psych book? $35. Programming? ’bout $60. English? $30. The Photog book was about the same, so I just bought it from the bookstore. Either way, I saved a shit ton. Thank you, internet gods, for creating Ebay so that it could branch off with different companies such as Should any of you ever find yourself in a pinch like that, I recommend that site wholeheartedly.

You’ll notice I didn’t post anything for new years. That’s because I really didn’t DO anything for new years. I’d planned on going to a friends house and getting drunk with my significant other, but due to extenuating circumstances, we decided against it.  So I spent my evening at home playing Warcraft. Yep. I’m one of those people.