Archive for story

Insincere Sanity – Chapter 1

Posted in Stories with tags , , on December 14, 2010 by Moth Ashes

From my earliest memory, I saw a man in a suit standing boldly in the winter snow, staring directly into my eyes just a few feet away. I couldn’t have been more  than three years young.

Never been able to figure out whether he was a figment of my imagination or not.

Of course, most things in my world are. From day one I’m sure that figures and figments have polluted my field of vision. Twisters with glasses, pink hairy creatures, and… Unsavory things I’d rather not mention.

We grew up in a cold place, in more ways than one. When it wasn’t snow that made you numb, it was the man-made atmosphere. You could feel it no matter how young or old you were. My father was a business man. My mother was an alcoholic. They weren’t bad parents. No. In truth they weren’t parents at all. Mother would stop drinking long enough to feed me. Father got home in time for dinner and locked himself away in his office of skyscraper paper stacks. Perhaps it was comforting to him, to always be surrounded by the four walls of a cubicle-like room with no human interfacing. I’d asked him why he came home if he was just going to work once. He responded “they won’t let me sleep at work.”

But those memories are few and far between. They’re like bad sitcom episodes you only remember because they were attached to a scent or flavor. Waffles smothered in syrup. The scent of dead skunk wafting through the car as you’re driving down a country road, and lingering for almost half an hour. When something happens during these memorable hit to the senses, the memory comes to me clearly… As much as it may ruin the scent or taste for me.

Most of my free time was spent on my bright red colored stool in a corner. Mother had put it there so I could have my own chair to watch the television, but I generally sat towards the wall. My corner had exactly 42 floral orchid designs, though they didn’t always appear to me as orchids. I could see all kinds of different things, as if a whole universe resided in the wallpaper.

Seeing the deeper meaning of the things that resided on the surface was always something I specialized in. Luckily nobody who held the same interests tried to look inside me.

I’m not quite sure they’d comprehend what they saw.

Insincere Sanity – Introduction.

Posted in Stories with tags , , on October 25, 2010 by Moth Ashes

I was never alone.

As a child, I was never alone.  My parents went about their daily rituals and I was left to my own devices, they were there. Ah, yes. Another imaginary friend story, you think. Yes, perhaps my beginning seems droll to you. Cliche, even.

Indros Omega was its name. I say ‘it’ because I never granted this creature of my mind a gender. There is no point to gender besides segregation. It was not a simple thing, but many things. It could be anything, really. A cat, a pencil, a person… Whatever my mind fancied at the time. It didn’t develop a defined form until I was older, but we’ll get to that later.

You may ask as your reading this jumbled mess what my name is. Who am I? Who is this person behind the story. You may call me Rosetta Stone, but the rest is rather unimportant. I’ve never concerned myself with developing a defined identity on the outside, after all.

So what is this? This, my dear audience, is a chronicle of my struggle to jump off the fence between imagination and reality. The real question:

Which way do I fall?

Prologue of Insincere Sanity

Posted in Stories with tags , , on October 12, 2010 by Moth Ashes

Dear Creator,

As the months grow into years and the seasons slip through your fingers without notice of what you’ve done, we mourn. Truthfully, it is not easy to watch you cripple your sanity for the sake of these two dimensional beings you call companions. You cannot lie to us, Creator, for we are all you. As such, we know that you clearly see those jackals with their pearly carnivorous teeth ready to strike at your spine. Those charlatans only view you as some kind of smeared wallflower, a semi-permanent fixture that is overlooked or used as the centerpiece of satirical conversation.

We, however, think the world of you, just as you intended. Our conception involved a great deal of effort on your part, and for that we cannot thank you enough. However, these matters aforementioned have left us with a sour taste in our mouths.

Creator, when you have a spare moment, please consider this UnSaVoRy position you’ve placed us in. We humbly wait for your decision.

With sincere concern,

Indros Omega