Archive for automatic writing

Automatic Writing 2

Posted in Automatic Writing with tags on December 24, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Heaven is not meant to be a preconceived notion for our psyche to feed on as we grow old and shrivel up. No, what heaven is my friend, is the idea that in some way shape or form, our good deeds will come back in a chariot to congratulate and reward us of creating a ladder for others to use. they see, and yet they don’t see. They feel, yet they don’t feel. Our careless concerns of faggotry and synagogues are nothing but crumples of crackers under the fridge. Nothing but a burrito rotting under the windowsill. We have nothing but the foundation we build, and should it crumble, all hope is lost. the dreams you founded come crashing down from the top of the infrastructure, as your mind dissolves with a lackluster consistency. You fools. You know not what you do to your chances of peace. You know not what you do.