Scary Video of the Day (Oct. 7th, 8th, & 9th).

Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Pardon me as I finally manage a second to post, which just happens to be at the demon hour. Looks like I owe you three videos.

So how about some creepy-ass music videos? This one is actually one of my favorites. Whether you enjoy the song or not, you’ve gotta give them credit. It’s a pretty fantastical video. Nice effects for a band I’ve never heard of up to this point.

I’m sure you’re gonna ask “now what the Hell is this shit?” Honestly? I’ve got no idea. The few other links I’ve clicked on by the band “Suicide” have been the same caliber of music (terrible), just lacking any factor that might make them remotely creepy. I may very well be the only one who finds this disconcerting, but that’s alright. I still have no idea what’s going on in the video, and probably never will.

I’m okay with that.

… I can almost feel eyebrows raising at this one. Just, bare with it. This shit? When I first saw this I didn’t know what to do with myself. The Japanese? They know how to do creepy. Possibly better than any other country. Don’t believe me? Watch some of the original versions of the horror movies we take from them and butcher. Like, oh, The Ring and The Grudge?

Now, you’re probably saying to yourself “Jee wizz Cat Grenade, why didn’t you throw in a Tool video instead of this crap?” Maybe because I know you’ve seen them and wanted to toss something out that you may not have seen? Eh? EH? No, but seriously. Tool music videos are great. If you haven’t seen any, go look that up right now. Primus’s Mr. Krinkle is great too. Anyways. It’s way too early to be typing up a blog post, so I’m gonna cut it off here.

Scary Video of the day (Oct. 6th)

Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , , , , , on October 6, 2011 by Moth Ashes


Why does the kid proceed to pet the cat? We’ll never know.

Scary video of the day (Oct. 5th)

Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , , , , , on October 5, 2011 by Moth Ashes


TheLittleFears is probably one of the creepiest youtubers you’ll ever have the pleasure (or horror) of watching. If you like this video, I recommend going back and watching EVERYTHING she has posted. I promise you, it’s well worth it.

Scary video of the day.

Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , , , , on October 4, 2011 by Moth Ashes

I’m gonna be posting creepy and sometimes horrifying youtube videos every day through the month of October (that’s what I say now, at least). Here’s 4 to make up for the days I missed on my blog:

October 2nd:

October 3rd:

October 4th:

Some of them will be horrifying in a funny kind of way… Others will just be downright horrifying. I didn’t do one for the 1st because I came up with the idea on the second. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep this up.

Good Will… I Mean Job Hunting.

Posted in General Ramblings on June 23, 2011 by Moth Ashes

It’s been a weird summer. To say it’s disappointing is slightly off the mark, but to say it’s great is one hell of an over-exaggeration.

Lately, I’ve been struggling with money. The struggle is to keep it in my pocket. Half of it can be denoted to the fact that I’m just not working as many hours as I generally do during the summer. It’s nobody’s fault, just a sort of unfortunate happening. The other half is because something always pops up. Medicine, oil for the car, groceries here and there. Not big expenses, but they pile up. And as soon as I walk out of work with my paycheck in my hand, the winds of ‘little things’ comes and sweeps it out of my hands.

I know. I have no room for complaining. The fact is: I have a job, a home, and family that usually takes care of me. Believe me, I realize this. I appreciate everything that is done for me, the fact that I’m employed out of the kindness of my bosses’ hearts, and that when I come home, the roof over my head doesn’t leak.

But… It’s really been getting me down lately. The fact that I have to pinch every penny just to squeeze by. It used to be I’d pinch them because I wanted to. Because I wanted to save up for something nice. Now it’s a need. Once again, I know half of you are saying “WELCOME TO LIFE.”, but I feel like I should be doing MORE.

Lately, I’ve been regressing back to my high school days where I’ll sleep in ’till 12 on the days I have nothing to do, and it bothers the hell out of me. I set an alarm to wake up in the morning, but somehow manage to ignore/ sleep through it. I don’t LIKE that. I’ve realized that, while school and jobs are sometimes stressful, I NEED them to feel good about myself. To keep a healthy state of mind. To manage my time better (because right now all I’m doing is getting FATTER). But most of all, to keep myself SANE.

When I have nothing to do, I just SIT HERE at home and stare at my computer screen, doing nothing but frivolous BULLSHIT. I can’t motivate myself to write, I can’t motivate myself to read, and I can’t motivate myself to go out and do something PRODUCTIVE.


Which is why I’m going to (try to) have a friend help me write up a brand-spankin’ new resume and start the job hunt ASAP. I’ve been saying I was going to do it for awhile, but right now I couldn’t be more serious.


You may ask “why are you so adamant about typing in caps right now?” The answer is simple, my friend. I am tired, and caps keeps me in good spirits because it adds a scream to everything I say, and that’s hilarious.

On a side note, I think I might stop using hootsuite. For some reason it has trouble direct messaging people. 😐


Damn I’m Lazy.

Posted in General Ramblings on May 19, 2011 by Moth Ashes

I’m up to my usual school break laziness again. Instead of doing something productive, I’m derping around the house, playing video games, gaining weight, and refusing to do anything that might require me to think (including blogging).

But during a long drive through the country, I got inspired. I had an idea for a book. Will I finish it? Better question: Have I finished any of the stories I’ve started? No. But I’m not going to post this one, no matter how tempted I am. I do need to finish my short story first, though… I’ve just had a hard time deciding exactly what’s going to happen. Oh well.

Hopefully more to come either the end of this week or next. I’m doing my best not to become completely useless.

Short story, Part 1.

Posted in Stories with tags , , , on March 31, 2011 by Moth Ashes

What use is a mute songbird?

A question that a simpleton like I, Henry Samson Burgess, would’ve asked just days prior. We look at this world as if it is just cut and paste. Like we expect everything we see, every person we meet, and each experience we have, to fit into a stainless steel mold like the dough of a bland pastry. Indeed, we are all made with the same elements, but sometimes pieces of hidden eggshell are baked into one of the innocently human-shaped morsels.

Sometimes it’s glass.

I considered myself one of these ‘special’ cases for a long time. A man with no special name, no physical recessive traits that made me stand out from the other carbon copies surrounding, or otherworldly achievements these work-absorbed motherfuckers receive from figuratively cutting off their fingers and toes. No, what I had was a fully functioning mind. The ability to see right through these ‘people’. People… More like robots.

But, to be fair, I was also stuck in the gravitational pull of rituals. Of the urban jungle. Though I also had a very special hobby.

I woke people up.

For every person, it takes a different amount of time. Some are more dense than others, and a few are just plain unwilling. It’s worth it, however.

Watching their eyes slowly widen, pupils shrinking to the size of pen-point sized dots, the occasional murmur of “My God”, sobs for the waste of their time. The feeling you get from watching it over and over again is magnificent. The feeling that you’re less alone than you were the day before, if only for a short time.

But that too had become ritual, until I took a stroll through the neighborhood park one day. While walking through the blooming foliage a fine spring morning, something shiny caught my eye just off the side of the beaten path.

Beautiful curly golden hair shone like endless fields of wheat just before the harvest, which elegantly fell against what appeared to be a contrast of soft, pale skin. A small blush on the cheeks here, big, bright blue eyes there. It started out like every cliche love story you can think of. Tender lips just centimeters away from a silver instrument held ever so delicately in those fragile fingers. It wasn’t until I realized what she was doing that a chipper melody flowed through my ears, the attention from my distracted brain falling back from it’s focus on sight. She couldn’t have been older than 16, but the music left her being like the spirit of a content individual who had completed their life’s work.

By no means am I an impulsive person. Generally, it’s quite the opposite. But she stirred something in me that even the highest of IQ’s could not rationalize. Like the stumbling child from my youth, I approached this complete stranger, who, upon noticing my silhouette covering her small frame, immediately stopped playing what appeared to be a flute.

“Miss, forgive me for my intrusion, but the melody escaping your instrument told me to say hello.” I tried to make up for my foot’s folly with a little quick-witted charm. “Might you bless this lonely man with a conversation?”

Once the surprise wore off her face, which took less than five seconds, a rather sad smile possessed those pastel lips of hers. I was about to ask if I had offended her in some way, until she sat the flute down in the grass and reached into her small jacket pocket.

A well-used notepad now resided in her hands. It was a deep forest green with soft brown floral designs, a very subtle sort of beauty. Silently, my mysterious muse began flipping through used pages. What I caught looked like bits and pieces of one-way conversations in an abnormally graceful font. Was that her handwriting? My question was met with an echoing ‘yes’ as she removed her bland black pen from the spiral and put the tip to paper. She wrote in a manner most careful ‘I apologize sir, the only conversations I can offer spawn from this notepad. My name is Amber Sparrow, and I am mute.’

A mute songbird… What use is a mute songbird?

(To be Continued…)


Posted in General Ramblings with tags , , on February 27, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Haven’t had much time to blog lately. I’ll post something later on this week.

Memories, Dreams, and Figments of Imagination: What’s the Difference?

Posted in General Ramblings, Philosophical bullshit on February 19, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Is a memory only a memory if somebody else was there and also recalls it? Do memories need validation to be true?

I think what I’m trying to ask here is: Does it take two people to make a memory? Kinda like that question if a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?

I have a lot of memories that I question. And often. It’s scary to think that a mind can be so unpredictable that files of memories and dreams can get mixed up.

The worst ones are from my memories as a small child. When I was about three years old living in the North. I recall being in my crib and seeing little twisters floating all around me. One of them had glasses. It scared the shit out of me. It didn’t feel like a dream. In fact, I remember that my grandma immediately ran in to check on me. But it isn’t possible, right?

Then there was a time before that. One minute I’m crawling on the floor… And I close my eyes…

And see myself from another person’s perspective. It was so confusing. I don’t even know who I was.

The point I’m really trying to drive across is… What’s the difference between a dream and a memory? People can lie about what they remember. People can see things. And people can imagine things. So what defines a memory?

Creepy/Interesting Websites 2.

Posted in General Ramblings, Quasi-interesting with tags , , , , on February 18, 2011 by Moth Ashes

Since people seem to search for creepy and interesting websites a lot and end up here, I figure it’s about time for round two.

Remember those art sites I was talking about before? Yep, here’s another one. This one is actually kept up with, though. It changes roughly every month, and is flash-intensive. William Rahilly (I believe) is the creator, and his blog with… Information… Is located here.

I swear this site could keep me entertained for hours. It just. Keeps. Going. Though whoever made it did a pretty good job of covering the fact up. Is it an art site? Is it a project? Is it just some guy sitting in his mom’s basement with nothing to do but flash? I suppose the question adds to the fun. Like this site a whole bunch? Say so on their facebook page. Is it official? Hell if I know, but I liked it anyways.

THIS. IS ZOMBO COM. WELCOME TO ZOMBO COM! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING AT ZOMBO COM! (You can also buy a Zombo.Com shirt) So what is Zombo Com? You can find an explanation here.

What is this I don’t even… No, seriously. No clue. Just a picture of a vent… Not even a clue in the source code. there’s an .ico file located there, and when converted to a .png, it’s the same 5 as the icon. And then theres:

They’re just one page sites. No real story behind them.

Now for something… Disturbing. If you don’t like grotesque/morbid things, I’d suggest you not click this link.

Yet another ‘artist’ project that’ll make most people cringe. When I first saw this, my eyes went wide and I honestly didn’t know what to say… But like most things I find on the internet that shock me, I got used to it. No need for links here. You can find your way to this guys site yourself by using the page.

Here’s something a little different.

This is actually just a story, but it struck me as fascinating. Sorta makes you double-take at those sites like  cleverbot. I’ll leave you on that note though. I’m fresh outta weird sites. Enjoy!