Another Question.

What do unborn children dream about?

It’s not a question I expect an answer to, obviously. A couple years back, I played a flash game on newgrounds that suggested babies dream of dead worlds. It was a fantastic concept, but poorly executed. I’d like to hear thoughts on this if anybody has some.


EDIT: Here’s a link to the game if you’re interested.

3 Responses to “Another Question.”

  1. Dreams are one of the first places that psychic ability usually emerges. This is because the conscious mind, which holds judgement amongst other things, is not awake to tell you that you can’t be psychic; and the unconscious mind, which holds most of th untrained psychic abilty, is still awake to look beyond the five senses.

    Since a lot (although not all) judgement is based in experience, and unborn babies lack much of that, I’d wonder if they do more active psychic dreaming; perhaps looking back to their previous lives or forwards to their lives to come….



    PS Want to learn more about dreams and psychic ability? I’ve got a lot on this on my blog….

    • Well, I really hadn’t expected this question to be taken from the supernatural perspective, but I appreciate the input nonetheless. Certainly an interesting thought. It’s always said that younger children have a stronger sense for the paranormal, whether it’s sensing apparitions or the emotions of another human being, so the idea that their psychic abilities (should they have them) go wild while in the womb is rather fantastic. Something I hadn’t even contemplated. Thank you for the comment.

      • It was interesting for me too.

        I have a fair amount of knowledge about psychic phenomena. and I knew that children tend to be more open to their abilities than adults ( noone has told them that they can’t do that yet. And so, they do…)

        But I’d never extended that thought to babies before birth….

        Thank you for an interesting concept


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